Cells and Microscopes IV

Laboratory Investigation: Setting up and Using the Light Microscope.

Text reference: Section 9.3
  • Follow the directions of your teacher at all times.
  • Get a microscope from the boxes on the trolley at the front of the lab.
  • Note the number of the box.
  • Carry the microscope carefully, with one hand supporting the base, and the other the arm.
  • Set the microscope up on your bench. Review the animation if necessary
  • If you have one with an integrated light, plug it in carefully and switch it on.
  • If yours doesn't have a light, get a lamp from the red tidy box and set it up like this.
  • View the grids and letters photocopied onto OHT's that are on the front bench.
  • What happens to the letters when you look at them under the microscope?
  • What happens to the grid as you increase the magnification?
  • Record your observations using Word and save your document to your home directory.
  • Reflect in your on-line journal about what you have learned today.
  • Review XSIQ
    • (5) Magnification
    • (6) How to calculate magnification
    • (7) Field of view
    • (8) Magnifying your field of view
    • (10) Do magnification exercise (determining the size of a magnified object)
  • For fun try this.
  • For extension Try these