The Characteristics of Living Things II

Another name given to living things is organisms.
Look at the list below for some features or characteristics of organisms.

  • need oxygen
  • need water
  • need nutrients
  • produce and excrete (remove from themselves) wastes
  • respond to changes in the environment
  • grow during its life
  • repair and maintain themselves
  • reproduce themselves
  • are able to move
The first three are sometimes grouped togther as "has inputs" while the fourth may be stated as "has outputs".
In addition, living things have one cell or a group of cells. We will explore cells further in Activity 3.

Now all sorts of interesting questions arise.
  • Is the sun alive?
  • What about a fire?
  • Where do viruses fit? To learn more go to
  • What is the difference between something that is dead and something that is non-living?
Please return to the introduction and preview Activity 2 before your next lesson.
* Molecular Expressions web site.
! The Biology Project is an interactive online resource for learning biology, developed at The University of Arizona