Creating a Key

We classify things into groups to help us remember them, and see how they relate to each other.

The organisation of items in shops is a good example: Undies in one section, hardware in an other;
or even in completely different shops.
Visit the "Classification of living things" section of the XSIQ site and read sections 1 to 4 for more information.

When we group things, it is usually by their structure (how they are made) or their function (what they do or are used for).
We usually avoid using things like colour until the items are so similar we have no other features to use for separating them.

We create a key by asking questions about the organisms that have a yes or no answer.
This is called a dichotomous (two answers)key. You will have read about this on the XSIQ pages.

You could make one to classify the contents of your pencil case.
Try it first with Susie's pencil case.

Create a flow chart to classify the contents of one of your group's pencil case.