B: The Solar System

Core Activity 3. The Interplanetary Space Tour Diary WebQuest

The Task

Take the various tours on offer at the Interplanetary Tourist Agency,and use the information you find along the way to complete the Tour Diary.

The Process

  1. Download the Tour Diary either as
    • a word document which you should save to your home computer or school network.
    • a .pdf document which you can print out and complete.
  2. Visit the Interplanetary Tourist Agency and take the tours offered.
  3. Record the information for each planet, either in your on-line version, or in the hard copy.
  4. Start the Tour!


The main aim of this quest is to help you learn about the planets.
You will be able to take your completed Diary into the Earth and Beyond test to help you answer the questions.
It will also count as part of your assessment.