Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10

    These pages are written primarily for students at my school  but any one who finds them helpful is welcome to use them providing they include due credit to the copyright owners.
    The Junior Science pages are intended to mesh with the Science Quest Series by G.Lofts and M.J. Evergreen.(Jacaranda)

    They contain four "strands"

    1. short summaries of the main ideas for each topic with diagrams and animations.
    2. questions to provoke thought
    3. on-line experiments to re-inforce and supplement the practical work done in class
    4. web hunts, to stimulate further investigation of the topics (year 8 only, at this stage)
    5. Crosswords and quizzes created using Hot Potatoes Software.

    The answers to the questions and web hunts, and results of the on-line experiments can be submitted by email.
    The pages are being added to as time permits. Please use the guestbook to make comments or any suggestions.
    As an extra bonus there is an Ecology Quiz for Year 11 Biology on the Downloads Page.


    Pages by Sally Mack 1998-2002